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I 'm so torn between the S4 and the One!

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Since 4.2 has been so bug infected, maybe HTC went with 4.1 because it was so solid. I know that even with 4.2.2 on my GNex it still has bluetooth issues where when it was on 4.1.2 it was rock solid. Then again maybe HTC is just lagging. I would say go play with demo units then make a decision.  

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See at this point I'd say wait until after I/O because at least for me, if they come out with a nice replacement for the Nexus 7 that has a SIM slot, then I'll end up getting that and not care about the extra space on the phone beacause I'd get it for the fact it is a phone and for taking photos then transferring them to my tablet. it is all preference and use case in the end. Also HTC will upgrade it but why waste the time upgrading to 4.2.2 when you can just update to key lime pie or whatever it is they will call the new OS that they will launch at I/O.

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HTC doesn't have long between the One coming out and the S4, and then Google will announce the new nexus device possibly at i/o which gives them another thing people will flock to. With the time it takes Samsung and HTC to turn out updates, it would be best interest to focus on the newest one and be first to 5

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