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Just purchased Sony 55 " 4k TV and would appreciate any feedback regarding using as monitor for n...

G+_Jake Milner

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Normally the biggest reason a TV doesn't make a good monitor is they are just too low of resolution for their size, but with 4k it should be fine, although being that close to that big of a screen for computer work may be... Strange. Another reason it's not usually the best idea is colors. Depending on what you are doing in Photoshop you may not get the color accuracy you would like out of a TV.? The Mac mini itself should handle it as long as you use the hdmi output and I wouldn't expect it to do very well with a second display plugged in. 30hz will probably be ok as long as you don't have a lot of fast motion.

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Jeffrey Murray, thanks for comment. My room would allow me to work from a comfortable distance. The Apple and TV reps said the color calibration shouldn't be a problem. They suggested I could even calibrate one HDMI input to the Mac Mini (don't know about that??). Also like the idea of moving mini to other locations with separate monitors because, due to the size, my large format printer is in a separate area.

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