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+1 if you think TWiT should get a flattr-button!

G+_Henning Andersen

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+1 if you think TWiT should get a flattr-button!


If you don't know what it is, it's an one click donation-solution where users donate a chosen amount of money each month that gets divided on the sites, creators, people and causes etc that you have clicked the flattr-button on!


I really want to support TWiT, and also make it easier for others to do so, so i want the people of TWiT to hear about this! =)




I'm not connected to flattr in any way other than that i use it to donate..


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Yeah that is how it works. I'm not sure but it might be some way to configure who gets what. I don't flattr more than one or few sites each month, so each gets an OK share of the pot. If you like you can also click the flattr-button twice to "subcribe". Then TWiT will get a share atomatically every month.

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