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Hey TWiT army

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This seems like an incredibly hard show to do (and remain compelling for your core audience). Who is your core audience? Would you want this to be a language specific show? You would like for people to be able to pick up this show, without requiring them to listen to the previous shows. For example, if you wanted to do a show for beginners about the programming language C, then as a beginner I couldn't listen to the show about functions before I listen to the show about variable declarations and I couldn't listen to a show above variable declarations before I listened to the one about data types. Now if I am an experienced programmer and you put up a show about data types I am going to turn that junk off. Ain't no damn way I'm gonna waste my time listening to a show about data types! So what do you do then? Well I would suggest not having a show for beginners in programming. I don't suggest you have a show for experts either, since it will come of as esoteric (Well you see there father... the Eigen headers inline class definitions during compilation). So what do you do then?!? I would really love a show about programming and I have spent a good bit of time thinking about how this should be done. Here is a short list of requirements. 




The programming show shall be platform independent. 

The programming show shall be language independent.

The programming show shall not discuss syntax. 

The programming show shall not require programming knowledge. 


Now after looking at these requirement you may ask yourself, so what do I do then?!? I can't talk about a language! I can't talk about syntax! I must assume my audience has no prior knowledge! I have no show! You may think all these things father but don't fret, I have the answer... Algorithms. 


It would be called This Week in Computer Algorithms (TWICA). Algorithms can be discussed in language independent ways. Your primary language you would use is Pseudo code (the speaking language). Each week you would discuss particular Algorithms. They could be algorithms from history; you could spend a week on sorting algorithms. You can discuss various recursive algorithms. You can discuss linear algorithms and genetic algorithms. 


Each week you would not assume your audience had listened to the previous week. You make each show a little nugget. Video would also be great for this. Sorting algorithms are best explained through visual effects (i.e. bubble sort actually looks like bubbles moving to the top if you animate it right). You could bring on experts, or even the creators of the algorithms. The experts may not even be programmers but mathematicians or statisticians.


Writing this has actually gotten me very excited for a show like this. Good luck Father and Happy Easter! 

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