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Our TWiT Maker Faire coverage and a question

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Our TWiT Maker Faire coverage... and a question...


Hey TWiT Army... TWiT sent me to Maker Faire with a cameraman and an audio guy in order to collect some B-Roll for a future TWiT project. We found the event so interesting that we quickly nixed my original mission and decided to turn it into a TWiT special.


It was a relatively low-cost project and I think the outcome was good, with a decent amount of coverage and a TWiT presence at the event that didn't require a lot of setup and unreasonable overhead.


Leo believes that this kind of coverage (a guy with a camera and a passion for the show) is the future of TWiT's presence at special events, and I tend to agree with him. If we stay lightweight and agile, we can cover many more events, looking for the angles that the larger content makers are missing while also putting a "TWiT Stamp" on geek shows.


My question to the TWiT army is this: do you like coverage like this? Would you watch coverage of CES, NAB, Interop, SxSW, GoogleIO, Macworld, Maker, E3, and the like if we provided you with a view of the events that, though probably not FIRST among media outlets, would be of similar quality and depth?


 What do you think?

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Great idea Leo Laporte Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ  keep the on the ground coverage small cheap and nimble like this. Hopefully It will also allow you to cover other shows , for example last few GizWiz's has shown some cool tech stuff from the hardware show. 


The quality of the video and audio from this was fantastic, congrats to the camera and sound guy


Only thing to add is someone in house to update the show notes for all the links to all the companies and gadgets.


I really think this format will work for any generic show like CES , NAB , Interop or maker fair.  

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I probably wouldn't be interested in watching them. I'm much more interested in the analysis of tech news and some reviews (Tech News Today, This Week in Tech, Windows Weekly, All About Android, This Week in Google, and ,once in awhile, a Before you buy) than any "coverage" of happenings at tech shows and the like. BTW, my TWiT shirt came yesterday!

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