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I was thinking of repurposing an old HTC G1 into a wireless web cam

G+_todd zimmerman

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I was thinking of repurposing an old HTC G1 into a wireless web cam. Powered it up (first time since 2011). I'm finding that any app I attempt to download and install results in "download was unsuccessful. Please try again later." Even Google Maps update is failing to install too.


I'm accessing the Market (the phone wasn't updated to have the Play store) via wifi (the SIM card is out of date). Granted, the G1 is on Android v1.6 Donut. Are all the apps on the martket now require something beyond Donut? I can browse apps in the market, I just can't get anything to install.


One option, albiet a long round about, is that I can attempt a root and install Cyanogenmod. From what I recall when I looked into this about 6 months ago, I could potentially use CM v9.x. This, I figure, would allow the G1 to get a later base version on Android, and potentially get Play installed too.


I'm sure, some of you are going to "why bother". My reply: why not? I have nothing to loose. Beside, the G1 hasn't been doing anthing else but gathering dust. If I brick the thing, who cares.

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