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Is the TWiT meta info correct especially the length of a podcast?

G+_paul poco

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Is the TWiT meta info correct especially the length of a podcast? See my post on BeyondPod beta phone support. Are the TWiT podcasts also updated to some online database?


The rest of this post applies more to Media Utilities. Chris Bates


This is to make an universal widget that uses ZooperWidget and Media Utilities to have controls, coverart, track info, track current position, track length, etc. Chris Bates Richard Blaney I am currently having problems with podcasts showing no length or some random length like 3:00. So you get this 3:00 min length podcast but it is really an hour, so your progress bar done after 3 minutes. This next problem is most likely MU fault: you jump ahead in the podcast but MU current position doesn't increase. Or you stop a podcast and start a new one and the current position doesn't change. I notice BeyondPod puts the date and length in the Album field Chris Bates could you use this to override the track length?


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