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Comcast: We Don 't Have Caps, We Have 'Data Thresholds ' DSLReports, ISP Information

G+_Jay-Ar Pinero

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"We don't have arseholes, we have salesdrones."


It is a data cap if I get charged more for going over the limit. My usage at a given fee level is capped at a set amount. there is nothing flexible about that unless you are saying that if I do not hit the cap/threshold then I don't have to pay full price for my tier of service. No? I have to pay? then it is a cap. End of story.

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David Tower "But a cap implies that we'll stop serving you the data. We'd be happy to send that data along to you for a reasonable fee without inconveniencing you by asking permission to do so. You're welcome. And remember to refer all your neighbors to Comcast (even though we're their only choice anyways)."

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