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Leo 's Big Mistake

G+_Vance McAlister

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Leo's Big Mistake


Cutting Tom out of Tech News Today is a huge mistake, the first major blunder by Leo Laporte on TWIT. That type of daily show needs a true broadcasting professional and Tom Merritt was that. The others [edit: including replacement Mike Elgin] simply can't fill those shoes. Look what happened to Buzz Out Loud when Tom left, and that show still had Molly Wood to carry on with. TNT won't even have that. The bottom line is that Tom was the biggest talent and most valuable asset TWIT had. I am sure the network can survive a TNT that slowly fizzles out, but this is definitely not a beneficial move in either the short or long run. As a daily listener from the beginning, I can state honestly that the show didn't miss a beat when Tom moved to LA. If I had not heard of the transition, I honestly would never have known he was not in studio. Horrible move. ?

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Mike Wills I am speaking as one who has heard Mike numerous times on TWIT shows and who reads his stuff regularly. This is a daily news broadcast, and Tom was simply better suited to that role than Mike is. He will do an acceptable job by usual tech podcast standards, but not the stellar job that Tom has done. I just never think it is a good idea to get rid of your most talented on air personality. Sort of like firing Tom Brady. ?

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I think most of the TWiT personalities hold their own to be honest. Tom Merritt was a bit of the Tom Brokaw of TWiT I admit because he was level headed, fair, etc. But I enjoy Brian Brushwood and JRY on NSFW Show just as much as I enjoy Leo Laporte Gina Trapani and Jeff Jarvis on TWiG for example. Different shows, different subjects, but all enjoyable in their own right.

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I think you're going to find a heavier news focus for TWiT as has been alluded to and in most cases for news your most well known talents aren't out in the field doing stuff, they are in the anchor chair at home base. I would have to imagine coordinating expanding news coverage will be much easier with the major players in studio and face to face.?

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Here is an excellent comment from Mike Meraz on another thread: "I'll certainly give any changes a fair shot but I have to admit, my gut tells me this is a big mistake. I've always viewed Tom as the anchor for TWiT that would actually allow Leo to pull back without a loss in momentum or audience. As much as I love the other staff and personalities, none have the weight that Tom brings to the studio. The thing that makes Tom such a strong presence and influence is his fair and skeptical eye on tech. His connections with a broad base of people. His ability to integrate multiple and critical perspectives on a story in order to remain objective. Tom embodies so many aspects of critical thought and objective journalism that I truly admire. His loss will be felt more deeply than you may realize.


Again, my objection and concern over this decision does not imply a loss of love for TWiT. I will remain a loyal fan. But I fear TWiT has just jettisoned something precious. And TWiT's gravitational pull has been severely lessened.?"

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My horrible gut feeling. Twit isn't the best place to work.


Molly Wood doesn't even come up as a possible hire for twit.


I also think that we will not see the old Buzz Out Loud crew on twit with any regularity. Sad to see it this way BUT something is rotten in Denmark.


Also Sarah Lane was not a great fit for Tom.


Love twit and Tom Meritt but this isn't good.

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Joe Phelps yes, all that may be true, but he was still their strongest and most professional talent by a wide margin and that means the quality of the product will almost assuredly decrease. After This Week in Tech, TNT is their most important show and has been a success, Leo has acknowledged as much. And, from the listener's perspective, the quality of the show remained undiminished when Tom moved. Leo is risking one of his two "bread and butter" shows with this move.

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My question would be why, given that the idea was to get a news guy full time in-studio, they didn't go out and get an actual news guy? Mike is an opinion and commentary guy, not a broadcaster or news man. If he really didn't want to deal with Tom all the way down in LA, then they should have paid Molly whatever she needed to take this job.

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