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Its like switching your computer and your email no longer works

G+_Jonathan Mayer

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So you didn't read the article, 


Yes, I’ve reset/deactivated/cancelled everything possible. iCloud, iMessage, FaceTime, etc. on every device and on Apple’s web sites

I’ve even had Apple support revoke my certificates so I couldn’t authenticate if I tried!

Apple engineers confirmed there is no record of my number server-side. It’s a client side cache issue on every other person’s handset

And no, changing my phone number of 15 years is not a very good solution.

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Sounds like imessage just needs to be updated.  


Currently it sounds like one imessage checks and sees that a number is active on imessage it never checks it again for the life of that thread.  Apple could fix this by having imessage check for every message.  They would also get the benefit of having all current threads switching over once a person joins imessage.


Bottom line, looks like this is just lazy coding.

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