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I 'm sorry, this just gets under my skin a bit

G+_Lisa Borel

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I'm sorry, this just gets under my skin a bit. And citing 1 case where the security problem is taken care of (a completely fringe case by the way) is just lazy. 


If 30% of the connected computers world wide are using XP, how many of those computers do you think have 3rd party firewalls, Keyscrambler, VPN accounts, and someone vigilantly taking care of it. 


ok, back to work (/rant)


Originally shared by Preston Gralla


Forget the XPocalypse: Sticking with Windows XP can be a smart move http://bit.ly/1lLba8B


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I'm with you Travis. XP is what it is. Staying with it has its risks. Most of the machines which are claimed to still use it have been taking this risk in a dozen other ways for as long as they've been in use. If someone cannot afford to update hardware or software they likely are not keen on getting lots of protection by other means. I would guess that a whole lot of these XP installations are not properly licensed either. But that's another aspect of the story.


What those XP machines have on them which someone might want to exploit is likely of such low value that it would not be worth turning them into botnets. And, then there are all those XP machines which sit unused in people's homes and businesses.


I think the risk is the same today as it was five years ago. They've factored in the risk and will ride that horse until it drops.

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Keep in mind as well that a lot of XP machines are things like ATM machines or Point of Sale systems which are expensive to replace. Most of these types of systems don't run the standard version of XP but a hardened version that has less features. Obviously these companies should be looking to upgrade this hardware but may not have the budgets to do so.

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