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Jeff might not like this

G+_Josh Hirner

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This would be absurd. Yes, Glass might pose a distraction hazard, but so does your radio and so does someone in the front passenger's seat (to say nothing of children in the back seat). Are they going to consider ticketing all vehicles with a radio? Or with passengers? And what about billboards, are those going to get banned? If the answer to all of these is "yes", then by all means, fine people wearing glass; otherwise, I call shenanigans.


I'm also curious what will happen when prescription Glass hits market. Would they really prefer that I drive without the needed prescription eyewear? Because I can guarantee that will cause many more accidents than just allowing Glass.

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I think this kind of law is hugely flawed and silly, but your point about driving without glasses doesn't hold up.  If you get a device embedded in prescription glasses that's a choice on your part.  If driving with it is illegal it's then on you to get another pair of regular glasses.

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