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NSA has outsourced its data gathering :)

G+_Ian Wilkinson

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The biggest problem might be that this is a huge security bubble. Apple promotes it as a higher security than passowrds, but just think a few minutes about it. 


If you use a secure passcode you decide when and if you give it to someone. A fingerprint on the other side can be even used without your knowledge. It' wont take long until it's the new joke on highschool to unlock the phones of sleeping people and post crap on social networks or purchase things. It won't take long until jealous people unlock the phones of their partners this way. And even the police or government could much easier press your thumb on this buttom them getting you to the point that you tell them your passphrase. 


Physical things are by far less secure than a thing that just exists in your brain. 

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Personnally I don't care if they put retina scanners on the iPhone I won't buy one anyway.

As Leif Sikorski points out it's much easier to coerce someone to give something they have than something they know. I haven't looked into the specific scanner used here but I sure hope it's "intelligent" enough to require a pulse to be detected as well as the fingerprint.

Whether the data stays on the phone or not isn't my concern to be quite honest. It's more how well is this data protected from unauthorised access. Apple hasn't impressed me with their security this far and I wouldn't be surprised if in the not too distant future a work around is found to thwart the perceived security the fingerprint scan is giving the users.

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