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Just had a successful first couple of flights with my just completed KH250 - flies just like the ...

G+_Steve Prior

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Just had a successful first couple of flights with my just completed KH250 - flies just like the Syma X5...  NOT!  Well the controls are the same anyway.   Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ now for the question, after both flights I noticed the tips of the props were slightly damaged because it seems like they flex enough to impact the red housing strut - it's always pretty close.  I got the 5x3 props from RTFQ.com - is there something I should adjust, or do I need different props?


BTW, this quad is a lot more noisy than I had imagined.

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I just figured it out.  It wasn't the vertical struts the blades were hitting, the blades were flexing enough that they hit the edges of the top plate of the frame.  I filed the edges of the top plate so no matter how much the blades flex they can't hit it.  I assume carbon fiber blades would have also done the trick, but I'm not up to those yet.

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