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Is the Samsung S4 the new Nexus?


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The nexus line is not dead yet. The nexus is a Google "sponsored" line. Samsung and how's new Google editions are the oem's saying Ok we'll try it. No doubt due to the popularity of the nexus 4. However a majority of the n4's success, I believe anyway, is due to its price point with no contract. This price point was because Google subsidized the phone in the play store. Normally a cell carrier subsidizes the price when we sign contracts. If the nexus 4 had been $650 like every other phone with no contract, it wouldn't have sold nearly as many. No doubt that the Google edition of the s4 and the HTC one will be more powerful and nicer than the nexus 4 or maybe even the nexus 5, but if they are full price phones and the nexus are still cheap, sales will be down Imo. The difference is that the s4 will be a Google edition, while the nexus line will be Google's edition. And I don't believe for a minute that the updates will be as quick either.

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