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Need a case for Raspberry PI with speakers?

G+_Graves Kilsgaard

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Need a case for Raspberry PI with speakers?


I am it the process of making a very simple mp3 player, where I need a case for an Raspberry, where I can mount stereo speakers.


Does anyone have a link to where it is possible to buy one?


I know that everyone would say, build one your self, but I am a software guy and I have not gotten to the 3D printing and wood path yet :P

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You want to model one and I could print it for you?


Other than that, I would suggest looking for something that the speakers can fit in and work the Pi into that. Or buy speakers with a big enough cavity that the Pi will fit into. If you are looking for good sound quality that is the better route than trying to design or build a speaker box. Lots of math goes into a good one.

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