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Being in the moment, being present, having a feeling of mindfulness; these things are enormous ch...

G+_Paul Fidalgo

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Originally shared by Paul Fidalgo


Being in the moment, being present, having a feeling of mindfulness; these things are enormous challenges for me. Elusive, to say the least, even when sincerely pursued. Being present, letting go of worries and preoccupations, takes up such time, time I could be spending being worried and preoccupied. There are all those Other Things!


To do this, I’d of course need a decent pair of headphones, right? You can’t achieve inner peace with crummy earbuds, right?


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Paul Fidalgo, I find the best situation to put yourself into for the Quest for Peace is to leave the man-made world and take a seat in the natural world.  The silence is worth it.


I get that it's hard work and takes up time.  But we are seduced by the idea of multitasking which must be deflected in order to find your own single path.


The mindfulness you may seek is only within yourself.  The discovery of it is a journey worth taking.  The silence much be inside you and not outside your ears.  Blocking the world out with a great pair of headphones is clearly not going to get you there.


Of course there is nothing better than having the solitude of mental focus which a comfortable pair of earphones can provide.  ;-)

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