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So Leo Laporte I have given Tech News Today around 3 months and I am not going to lie, I have uns...

G+_William Tatum

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So Leo Laporte I have given Tech News Today around 3 months and I am not going to lie, I have unsubbed from both the community and the podcast and instead listen to Tom Merritt's new show.


I really tried, I mean I love Mike Elgan's writing and his posts on G+, I love him as a guest, and think he adds loads of value to your network.....that being said, as a host I think he really falls flat. 


Every time I have tried to watch an episode I find myself either falling asleep or tuning out.  I am not sure if it is his delivery, his lack of connection with guests, or just a general lack of energy, but TNT went from being a show I never missed to being one I simply cannot listen to anymore.


When we hire a new staff member on at my job they all get a 90 day evaluation after starting the position and based on their results are either kept on, put on probation, or asked to step down.


 I think you might consider doing a poll of your audience to find out how many others, like me, have tuned out. I don't think Elegan should be fired, but maybe Sarah Lane or Gina Trapani should be tapped to head the show instead, with Mike as a co-host, frequent guest, or expert contributor.


I understand that Tom and Ayaz aren't coming back, but I can't imagine I am the only one who has tuned out. 


Although, maybe I am in the minority and loads of people love the new TNT, in which case well, you have loads of other shows that i still love like TWIT, TWIG, TWIET, and Triangulation. 


Thank you again for all of the amazing content you produce Leo Laporte  and seriously Mike Elgan I mean no offense whatsoever, I do truly appreciate all the hardwork and effort that you have put in. 

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Well, you're certainly not alone. I couldn't get past a week of it, and I just can't find the value or time in doubling down on daily tech news programs (there's only so much time and news). The new roster just isn't my cup of tea at all.


That said, I'm also starting to find myself tuning out to other shows like TWIT and MBW, which are, despite the enthusiasm, wearing a bit thin for me with the incessantly long run times, sparsity of info/news focus, and incessant gags, but that's another topic entirely I suppose.

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William Tatum Before I came on, Leo told me we'd probably lose more than half the audience of TNT. Turns out, we lost less than one-quarter, and now the show is growing again, and strongly. 


So you're part of the less-than-one-quarter. No big deal. The new TNT isn't for everybody. I want you to find the shows you like the best and enjoy them. That's the great thing about podcasting and netcasting. So much choice. I love it. 


The new Tech News Today is growing fast because there is literally nothing else like it anywhere in the world.


Every day, we're bringing on the world's top technology journalists to talk about their exclusives, and having (admittedly) very detailed, very smart conversations about what's really happening among people who know the most about the issues we discuss. 


You'll notice that none of the criticism, including your own, mentions content. 


It's all about "delivery" and "connection" and "energy" -- form, without a word about substance. 


We're growing fast because we make viewers the smartest kid in the class with the best technology news content anywhere coming straight from the world's best journalists who are researching, interviewing for and reporting the news we're talking about. 


The old TNT was a good show, and the people who did it were good at what they did. Now, we have a very different show. Some people love it, others don't. That's expected and normal. 


So again: Find the shows you like and enjoy them! We're going to keep doing our thing on the new TNT, and we're going to keep thrilling people who crave smart conversations with great journalists. 

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Mike Elgan I would never say the content wasn't absolutely excellent. I guess it is bittersweet for me, but I am glad that things are actually better than Leo thought and improving. 


I look forward to reading all of your future pieces and posts. 


Thanks for all the great content thus far. 

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