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Looks like Verizon is going to heavily favor the Droid line over the Moto X on the sales floor

G+_Vance McAlister

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Looks like Verizon is going to heavily favor the Droid line over the Moto X on the sales floor.  This makes some sense for them, but I wonder how Moto feels about that.  And Google?  I guess it may be "no Nexus for YOU!"  :0)


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Why does this surprise people? I mean, the whole "Droid" branding campaign costs a bunch of money and as soon as someone hear's "Droid" they know it's coming from Verizon. Am I wrong on that? 


And the spec chart shown in that article makes the MotoX look anemic compared to the others. 


I'm still rockin' the original Thunderbolt, including grandfathered unlimited data, so my moving onto a new phone is slim to none. And even more so since we're talking $600+ to get a phone and hold on to my data package.

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Robert Marshall  surprisingly, I have asked around the office here and nobody knew that Droid had anything to do with Verizon in particular.


I am in the same boat with my unlimited plan.  But, with the headphone jack going out on my Nexus and some annoying restart issues (on various ROM's), I may have to spring for the full price of the phone.  That is why I need to make sure I get the right one!  :0)

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