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Evernote v Keep

G+_Vance McAlister

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Evernote v. Keep

For me, both are useful since I use them in entirely different ways: Keep is like digital Post-It notes, whereas Evernote is my digital file cabinet.


Keep (with its faster input) is most useful for quick numbers, names, dates, lists, basically anything I would write on the back of any handy scrap of paper and stick in my pocket.  Therefore, nothing stays in Keep for long (making the name a bit ironic!). It gets deleted when the information is no longer needed, or moved to Evernote if it is important enough to keep.


Evernote (with its better search and organization) is where I keep anything that I will need indefinitely (documents, receipts, product information, etc),  collections of research results or running lists or inventories.


So, it is not a matter of one or the other, it is both!

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