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First Tom Now Iyaz Will miss him on TWiT

G+_Daniel Cook

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alvaro higuero, and Don Robinson; what would you have Leo do? It's more likely there is something C|Net is offering which TWiT does not even do. It is not always about getting paid or having exposure. And Leo is not in charge of everyone's career choices.


Man, the number of times I have read comments in which people ascribe selfish motives to Leo Laporte regarding changes being made at TWiT makes me wonder what other jealousies these people harbour.


I certainly don't make my own career choices based on who can pay me the most money. I make them to fulfill my personal goals and make myself happy. I don't ask my employer to change their business model to suit my own particular needs. I also accept (and have accepted) when the business plan changes and my needs no longer fit into their plan.


I have been fortunate to be doing what I love for more than 35 years in a number of different work place environments. iyaz akhtar made a choice which suits him better. Why can't people just celebrate that.


And, yes, I know there are those here who are wishing him well. I get that too. But the complainers have to be told it makes no sense to lay blame on someone when we have no facts and can't read Iyaz's mind.


We've been all round this block before with the Tom Merritt departure and I suppose I won't be surprized when the next departure produces a host of boo-birds who know nothing about it but want to cast everything in terms of conspiracy theories.

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Dave Trautman again as you said is all about making choices, an people at the end looking after their best interests.


I do get the feeling that things are not right on the Twit boat and that's a feeling that I have been getting for a while know.. Shows just don't have the "I need do to keep listening factor" anymore


The deal with tom that's a though one.. I keep thinking that we lose tom but we get to keep the red head kid (I know I know ) but that's the felling...no focus...


Again this is just my opinion and maybe Leo will steer the ship in the right direction... But right know it is not clear what direction that is..

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I imagine location has lots to do with this. Many of the twit staff live in SF and have to commute to Petaluma. That takes a toll. So much lost time with the family, etc. 


Iyaz was probably ready to work in the city again.


If Leo wants to focus on in studio talent Twit really needs to move back SF, or at least setup a small one room satellite studio.

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alvaro higuero


I can agree with you about the changing undertones. I have been commenting on this in the past. It first seemed Leo was just tired and distracted a lot. Then I saw a bit of confusion when they tried to cover the more recent tech developments. I was giving them some rope because it did seem this was a very busy year in tech.


I've also commented on what direction I think they are heading in other discussions and I have a sense of why they want to go there.


I also think it is about time TWiT was accredited as a proper news outlet and given equal access to many of these tech announcements and events. As they are not yet really a news outlet they don't get recognized in the PR circles which they need to be.


Having a real news department with a real news director is a great start and I hope it has the effect of creating more cohesion between the shows. I also hope to see more news breaks between the live shows.


But that's just me. I come from this environment in the past and I recognize some of what is happening. I also hope the "fun" of watching does not get ironed flat.

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