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I do want to congratulate Mike Elgan on his new position at Twit

G+_Dan Campbell

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I do want to congratulate Mike Elgan on his new position at Twit. I've always enjoyed Mike's contributions both on Twit and here on Google Plus. I'm sure he will do well on TNT and hope he still adds him insight on the other shows as well. I certainly understand the sentiment towards Tom Merritt not being in the show anymore, he is a true professional. But as far as the show itself, I believe Mike will be excellent, and will add a great deal to the broadcast. Good luck Mike.

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I agree. It is a mix of bad news and good news. Tom Merritt was a great host and I will miss his voice and enthusiasm. I am hoping, though, that Tech News Today rises up to become more of a flagship program for TWiT. Perhaps Mike Elgan can raise its profile. He is a great contributor to TWiT (the Sunday show). Is he ending his "digital nomad" lifestyle to take this job? That was one of the more interesting things about him..

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Mike is a professional and will do just fine. I love Tom but the show did slide when he wasn't in studio. Change is good and I'm sure Tom will land on his feet. Welcome Mike onboard and give him an honest chance. I am sure he will add his own signature on it and it will be a great show.

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Wade Watson I do as well and I like Mike Elgan a lot. He is always refreshing on TWiT and very grounded. He makes a nice counter to Leo Laporte who likes to stray from topic and spend 10 minutes talking about things that pertain to nothing.


The dynamic that is TNT is very strong though and that was clearly driven by Tom Merritt. Mike would do amazing on many of the netcasts, but a daily news show doesn't seem like the right fit.


I know Tom played a big part in this outcome, I'm just not looking forward to TNT changing up in this way. It seems like something that will take a while for it to hit its strides and start to mesh again.


I am very happy for Mike and look forward to what he can bring to the network as a whole.?

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