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Episode 104:

G+_Michael Tunnell

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Episode 104:

Robert said that RDP is Cross-Platform but ignores one fact, RDP Client is cross-platform but RDP Server is not. This means that using RDP to remote into a Linux machine is not going to happen. There are some attempts to make it work but RDP Server on Linux is awful.

Instead VNC is cross-platform Client & Server so you can remote into and from any operating system...yes, even mobile devices (though those devices limit remoting into them)


Robert why did you do the "you're an annoying jerk" mocking voice when you paraphrased people saying "I don't use Windows"? Is that your way of saying "screw you, I don't care?" You also mentioned that it is to "control that Windows box from anywhere" which of course breaks down if you want to control a Linux box or a OSX box...instead of pretending that it is the best thing ever, how about providing all of the information...I may be coming off as defensive and annoyed but because you mocked people who aren't Windows users I'm sure it is easy to figure out why I am annoyed.


"Linux and all of the GOOD operating systems...allow you to temporarily escalate your privileges". This is correct and you explained it pretty well so good job especially acknowledging that Windows is NOT a good operating system. :)


However your explanation fell apart when you said this..."if you're a linux and your running as super user not only do you have all the vurlnerabilities of Windows". wait wait wait WHAT!?! That is so wrong it is baffling that you would even say that. Linux is not more secure because of that one single feature...it is more secure because of HUNDREDS of different aspects. Yes, no one should run as Super User or Root as you said but it is NOT at all as vulnerable as Windows just by doing that. Anyway, people do NOT do it...but Robert underestimated the difference in security between Linux and Windows.




Aaron's walkthrough of Linux Mint was kind of bad and convoluted...please make the next video more precise for the audience.


For the most part there wasn't much done that was a massive error except for ignoring how to setup a USB Drive with Linux, "just Google it" is not a how to, and the other thing was opening a terminal just to open GParted.


Why did you open a Terminal to load GParted? GParted is provided as a selection in the main Mint Menu. You might say "well if I load it from there it wouldn't have sudo rights" and then you would prove you have no idea what you are talking about because GParted ONLY loads with sudo rights...meaning if you open it from the menu or not it will ask you for a password to run it thus sudo. All you did was add an extra step for no reason. :)

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Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ so because you act like a jerk it is somehow my fault??


Everything I critiqued was accurate. The only part I did regarding a joke of Windows was a play on what you said and I obviously made it as a joke.


You are wrong about the claim you made with sudo making Linux as vulnerable as Windows. You were wrong with what you said about Linux users and Mac users regarding RDP. All I did was point out the inaccuracies of the content.


Yes I pointed out your tool impression of people as a tool impression but that doesn't make me an example of your impression. Just because you are a priest doesn't give you license to mock people you disagree with...in fact it should do the exact opposite.


In general, I like you and you times on Twit, Twiet, All About Android, etc but that doesn't mean you are right in this instance and me pointing out the inaccuracies does not justify your impression.


Craig Jones yea you are right but I think the latest version of Mint doesn't have the "along side Windows" option anymore but I don't remember.?

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Bob Wya my comments about his mocking is not Linux related, he mocked everyone who doesn't use Windows. He also seems to think that he is entitled to do so for some reason because he sees nothing wrong with what he did. That is the part that really irks me.


All my other comments are corrections so maybe in the future he'll try to not say so many things that are flat out misinformation.?

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