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Why do I 'need ' to mine dogecoin ?

G+_Neil Tsubota

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I feel it is always important to note that mining it can actually be "more expensive" than buying it, depending on a lot of factors.  With a lot of crypto-currencies, you spend more money on electricity to mine the coins than the value of the coins you mined.  


If that is the case for you, maybe you should just buy some coins and cut your loses.

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Neil Tsubota - There are a lot of "practical" uses for your free CPU cycles if you want to try something similarly technical.  Try something like Folding@Home or the SETI project.


Folding@Home is a distributed computing project hosted by Stanford that uses your spare CPU cycles to fold proteins and potentially discover cures for diseases like Alzheimers.  You can even join "teams" that are similar to the mining "pools" and compete with/against your fellow folders.  Personally, I'm a member of the PC Perspective team.


The SETI project is the search for extraterrestrial life.  You can help them analyze signals from space to determine if there is intelligent life somewhere on another planet.  I'm not as familiar with this project.


Maybe one of these more "noble" projects could be featured in a tip sometime.

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