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Just heard Tom Merritt drop the news that his contract wasn 't being renewed and he would be lea...

G+_Jeff Glasson

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Just heard Tom Merritt drop the news that his contract wasn't being renewed and he would be leaving Tech News Today and TWiT.  I am personally sad to see Tom leave, because Tech News Today was a part of my daily commute.  Leo Laporte was my gateway into TWiT, but Tom is what kept me there.  


I wish Tom all the best, and would like to welcome Mike Elgan to TWiT.  TNT won't be the same without Tom, and it can't be.   I have enjoyed following Mike on G+ and the numerous other outlets he expressed himself on.  In truth, my first reaction to TNT without Tom, was to consider unsubscribing.  But upon reflection, I was doing a great disservice to Sarah Lane , iyaz akhtar  and Jason Howell .  It was the interaction between all 4 of them that defined TNT, and while Tom was a huge part of it, he wasn't the only one.  The addition of Mike Elgan  is a positive move for TWiT, and while TNT is going to change, not all change is for the worse.  

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When I first heard the news, I seriously wondered what brand of crack Leo Laporte was smoking, but after reading the chat log posted elsewhere:  




I have come to the conclusion that things were considerably more complex than they appeared on the surface.


This had to be an incredibly difficult decision considering how popular Tom is.  I just hope we can all be objective when TNT relaunches with Mike Elgan.

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