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So you all know Lou in this community

G+_Marlon Thompson

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So you all know Lou in this community. He posted something political today in response to another post he put up yesterday. So I pointed out the fact that he often complains when there is too much politics on Twit and not enough tech and here he was posting something political. He countered that he wanted to make a point to those who responded to his post. I then said that he often says he doesn't care what other people have to say about his views so why was he posting this. I also disagreed with hi is characterization of the EU and Germany as enemies of the US and I also pointed out the fact that lavabit want built specifically for Edward Snowden, and I may have asked if he had really given up Linux. He responded by deleting my responses and disabling comments.


Lou I just want to say I may disagree with many of your posts but I respect your right to post it I was hoping we would have had a conversation about your views but that's not to be. Its weird that you often strongly express your right to speak and then take these actions... Ah well ave a good day.

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Me living in the EU, that means that to him iam an enemy. Just so he knows, I dislike/like all humans equally, I don't care about if their from one country or another, if the world is supposed to be a global community and you enjoy how connected it is... Act as a global member, not just looking at your very distinct point of view. I'd defend his right to rant all he wants, but I suppose he'd just see me as the enemy.

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