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Who 's ready for the Google I O ? What has you excited?

G+_Doug McHone

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I'm hoping for a new Nexus Q. Fingers crossed. :-)


There will be the iterative stuff as it will still be interesting to see where their major technologies are heading? Chrome, ChromeOS, Android,  Nexus phones and tablets, Chromebook/boxes, Google TV etc. Just listening to the changelog on TWiG it is amazing how relentlessly they make changes to their products.


They might even have something new that we haven't seen yet. In a Nexus Q way, where no-one was expecting it but they came out with a new device which they hadn't completely thought through. Typical engineers where they had the build quality, and specs right, but forgot about how the customer was meant to use it.


On a separate note, after a dearth of tech announcements - the tech off-season - there are quite a few lined up for the coming months: Google IO, XBox, E3, WWDC to name a few.

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