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After seeing Apple watch 's crown, I was reminded of my first ever smart device, the Sony Clie

G+_Richard Sequeira

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After seeing Apple watch's crown, I was reminded of my first ever smart device, the Sony Clie. The jogdial on the upper left side was really useful for scrolling through your to do list one handed. I missed it when I upgraded to a Palm device.


One observation though. The jogdial broke within 2 years. This is the disadvantage of having a mechanical component on a device. Easily worn and torn. Remember the Tungsten T slider? We shall see if the Apple Watch will be as easily damaged or not.?


Edit : photo taken from a tech TV review page.

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I remember my Clie.  At the time it had a higher resolution display than the Palm and a great interface with the jogdial.  I stopped using palm devices around 2008 and switched to a work provided blackberry.  Until recently I didn't think that smartphones did everything as well for me as the palm platform did.  As I plan on getting a Note 4 phone I am excited to get a stylus back and see how that compares to my old clie.

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Great observation Zulhaimi Abdul Hamid. I never used one of these but I can see the utility of it right away.


Good point also about the durability of a mechanical interface control. We just assume Apple has a "better button" but it might be the achilles heel of the device.


Did your SONY device buzz or beep with notifications or reminders? I'm curious. Blackberry devices were pretty discreet and had a bunch of controls for what noise to make for what events. I'm hoping Apple's approach brings forward a kind of "silent" notice method which others adopt.


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The Clie? It was almost 14 years ago when I had it, I can't even remember now if it had a reminder.

On the jogdial, the tactile feel as you scroll was a joy to the senses.


Oh btw, I once had a BB with a dial. Suffered the same fate.


I'm sure technology has advanced since then. Perhaps Apple Watch will not have the same issue.

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