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This video is four months old but should be kept as proof that sometimes in our excitement to ado...

G+_Richard Sequeira

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I watched this video after just having watched Deep Water Horizon at the theater. So another sad story after seeing a really big sad story is not my idea of a fun evening.


It took about 6 minutes for the video to be tech related as the video takes the long road to explain how technology failed Team Thailand when they lost to Team Japan in their fateful match.


At first it looked like this was only about athleticism.Then the video shows how the tablet given to both teams malfunctioned and became inoperable for Team Thailand.For whatever reason, the officials and referee would not acknowledge their tablet was inoperable and the coach could not make play changes or substitutions without it.


Again, the video took the long road to show who Team Thailand had legitimate reasons to file a complaint with the officials after the loss. It's not much consolation for Team Thailand. But officials should make whatever changes are necessary in the rules to prevent what happened on that day from happening again.


Obvious recommendations for changes. Have a backup tablet available for the affected team. Have some kind of analog backup if there is a network and tablet failure the day of the match.

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Sorry for making you watch a long video but without the first part?you will not feel the impact.


They should have thrown away the tablets and talk to each other instead. Use interpreters if needed?as one of the criticism I read was that the Thais could not speak English well.


In fairness?someone should have helped the Thai team communicate when technology failed.

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