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We get it We understand that this crazy world around us is always evolving, and that we too mu...

G+_Brian Wrenn

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We get it. 

We understand that this crazy world around us is always evolving, and that we too must evolve in order to stay on top.  What was true yesterday may not be true today, yet it is far easier to embrace the norms than try to lead the revolution. 


Thank you Jeff Jarvis, Leo Laporte, TWiT Family, and Google+ for never embracing the norms, for always seeking a better answer, and for welcoming the future with open arms. 


Originally shared by Cheyanne Smith


I could not resist posting the excellent Honest TED talk that Jeff Jarvis gave and the reason why Jeff said he will never be invited back to give another TED talk.  He used the words 



I love Jeff Jarvis. Keep Up the good work Professor.  The people formerly known as the audience adore you and your attitude.

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Not quite sure that Leo Laporte is "welcoming the future with open arms"... the last month he has been nothing but negative about the 'future' (ie things like Google Glass). His pessimistic attitude is getting very tiresome...concerned about the future of TWiT 

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I have to disagree with Josh White.  I don't think Leo Laporte is rejecting the future. From what I've heard, he just has some doubts about the latest vision several corporations have proposed about what the future should be. He still tries and promotes new products and ideas. (Personally, I would find this constant search for the 'new' a bit tiring if I were doing it myself, but he still seems to relish it.) But not EVERY idea put out there by Google and Apple are stellar. Remember Buzz? Remember iCloud?  

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