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In your opinion, what is one realistic way TWiT can improve the network?

G+_Brian Wrenn

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Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ Millions of setup boxes delivering your content live and on demand will more than recuperate in newer viewership IMHO. And even with a new console in 8-10 months this hundreds of millions of 360 will last a long time.


I mean twit charges for views, where is there a bigger tech savvy audience than in the install base of Xbox?

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Mark Coburn


See I don't see that, that is the thing I hate about normal TV. Everyone thinks you have to have a huge company and have this huge audience and these huge shows.  But I see IPTV/podcast networks and the TV establishment.  Think about what will happen to all those channels that do nothing but show syndicated shows, once everything is online.


And my big selfish reason is, I watch Tekzilla on revision 3 and nothing else. Not that revision 3 s bad, it just dosen't appeal to me. When more Twit shows do, if you combine the networks.. what shows get the ax? Heck what subjects get the ax?

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I appreciate the Twit apps that are available but there are weaknesses in all of those for people who are on the go. I know that forums can be crazy to manage, but for those of us who can't participate in the chat room live it would be great to feel like we can contribute to the conversation more.

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I've plus 1'd the posts for a more euro centric.


Agree that it should be a studio here, with TWiT quality production.


I listen and watch some of The British Tech Network, and like the ones when Andy Ihanatko and Tom Merrit phone in. The production quality is not near TWiT, but its on my regular watch/listen.

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I haven't really got a single suggestion that would make a huge improvement to TWiT. SO just a few random thoughts.


As for an XBox app. As Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ  says it is an ROI decision. On the plus side: more (and easy ways) to view TWiT is always welcome; with rumors on a set-top box and Microsoft going all-in on Xbox for TV there may be a real advantage of not only being on that platform, but having first-mover advantage could be significant. I think we are greatly overestimating the amount of Xboxes in existence, I think they are around the 80m mark, and I'm sure these are used mostly for gaming.


So appwise, I would pick the low-hanging fruit, and get apps to as many set-top boxes and Internet TVs out there, as this gets you into the living room and you know these devices are primarily used for watching TV.


I understand why there are shows covering the large companies in San Francisco. A show covering other tech-hubs around the world would be cool too. Many have mentioned Europe already, and Asia springs to mind, and I don't think it would be impossible - a tech journalist from the region talking about what's new would give a more global perspective to TWiT.

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Thought of another thing.




Brevity and constancy.


Ok, that's two things.


I'd like my shows that I listen to, to be consistent in the length of the show. 30 minutes or one hour. Shows that run over or even short of their time need more careful production.


After 30 minutes, unless I'm really interested in the show, I switch off. Even when I love listening to Andy talk about comics, if its gone past and hour I'm double clicking the inline mic and skipping to the next show on my list.


Most of my podcasts are of radio shows, and I suppose this is where I get that from.

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Would love to see some more niche shows like website design, an seo show, programming show, computer building show, maker show, some type of inventing show where people can create and compete with products or services they have designed and let the audience pick a winner who will get a cool prize, gamer show, man on the street show finding people using tech in cool ways

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