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So I know I missed a few weeks of episodes apparently they were key

G+_jeff perry

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So I know I missed a few weeks of episodes...apparently they were key.  What happened to Tom and Iaz?  I hate to say it, but their personality really held my attention on TNT.  I rarely listen now as the show is dull and lifeless.  The banter just isn't there.   AAA still has me interested.  FLOSS Weekly needs some life too.  Every comment anyone ever makes is "awesome" in the eyes of the host...which just doesn't cut it.  I'm fearing the TWIT brand is slowly dying for lack of foresight and true radio talent.  Please note, I am not trying to offend anyone with these comments.  I am merely sharing some constructive criticism.  I have been a listener for years...

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Jason Turner I know TWiT is saying they are not finished with the format yet, I still try to listen daily to get there idea of what is news, but light hearted it is not. I like Mike Elgan but he is not fluid or "fun" to watch. This format seems to me to lack any spontaneity. I do believe it is better than when the switch happened and I hope to see at least a second person in studio which helps the conversation. Overall the TWiT network in my opinion is the best out there, but with huge growth comes growing pains. I do like the new schedule of shows, much better, timing between show is greatly reduced. Hope to see more in the future. Thanks for the post Jason Turner  and thanks to TWiT for the shows.

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Dennis D. McDonald Typically I get most of my "daily" news that way as well.  But, I do travel quite a bit and I enjoy listening to podcasts during that "windshield time" of 2+ hours a day.  That's where the "radio personality" comes in to play.  Who wants to listen to boring folks w/o banter and try to stay awake at the same time while driving?

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