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There are differing views regarding Bitcoin but without question important core technology is at ...

G+_Alasdair Graham

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There are differing views regarding Bitcoin but without question important core technology is at the base of its resilience.


This being the case and with the plethora of news surrounding technical ineptness, stunning investments, ignorant politics, maniacal friction plus the constant release of related applications and services, it begs the question as to why we don't have This Week in Blockchain?


Leo, with respect, I have listened to many of your assessments but they seem to reflect a lack of your normal zeal to get to grips with the technology itself.


Please I ask get stuck in and take it apart. We need frictionless P2P exchange and you are the man to make sense of it all.


From my perspective the magnitude of this technology equals the enormity of the Internet itself together they are, in my opinion, the yin and yang of future innovation.

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