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Hey, would Jason and Ron include more let Gina get some more words in?

G+_Joe McLaughlin

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Joe McLaughlin I think we're gonna need some actual figures from you to proceed. I have no problem bringing sanctions against Jason Howell and Ron Richards on behalf of the federation but again gonna need the counts. We would advise you to go back and review the show and bring us the word counts (conjunctions count as two words) of all three individuals. With those numbers we will then be able to go ahead and file the petition and hope to bring about arbitration to address the matter at hand. Thanks much.

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OK, criticism withdrawn. I have always enjoyed the show, as well as TWiG, and am looking forward to watching/listening and learning more. It's great that Gina, Jason and Ron are doing this. Gina, I'd love to hear about your take on Ingress - as a game, as an Android app and as a Google advertising/customer engagement platform. 

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I notice Jason Howell tends to focus left a lot.  I think it might be from being on the far left at the table for so long (of course, it could also be that he'd look to the camera to talk to Gina Trapani rather than to the monitor representing her).  But yeah, I picked up the Skype thing.  He and Ron Richards are obviously very excited to have Gina involved in the show, and want her included in every way possible.

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Certainly not my intention to talk more to in studio people as opposed to Skype. We always say with TNT "yield to skype" cause the lag is enough that if we just give Skype the right of way, everybody gets the chance to bust in and say what they want to say. Not to mention, this was our first episode together. We will get our cues down soon enough. These things definitely take time. All in all, I thought it went very well!

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So no sanctions for Jason Howell lol? What about that Ron Richards guy? Should we file that petition with the federation regarding his inability to converse inside the confines that is Google+ even after declaring his desire to be 100% Google? Perhaps we can get the Honorable Sheindlin (aka Judge Judy) to lead arbitration. That would be so crazy...Ron in front of a judge...he'd have to actually get dressed up beyond the T.

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There was a sense of what is noted above seen here too, that there might have been some weight to the in studio vs the SKYPE as far as ease of moving around in the the conversations, but looking at it as the first show done this way by the trio, it came across fine overall.


The way TWiG is laid out (scripted and directed/moderated) vs how AAA has historically been done might have been a bit different for Gina Trapani too but in a week or 3 I'm sure the new AAA trio will be in full coordinatio...good job all...see you next week and every week!

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"Not to mention, this was our first episode together. We will get our cues down soon enough. These things definitely take time" - Jason Howell 


That was honestly exactly what I figured. You guys haven't yet got the same chemistry that you did with Eileen, or Gina does with Leo and Jeff. It'll come with time.

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