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Podcatcher Dreams Do Come True

G+_Tom Gehrke

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Podcatcher Dreams Do Come True


(Would that make it a *dream*catcher?)


It seems like just last week that we were having a discussion on podcatcher apps (https://plus.google.com/111880851494012860816/posts/FPyiwq5Uary). Remember when I said I was OK with giving Shifty Jelly my data (list of podcasts) for the admittedly limited benefits they offer because I hoped that at some point that would evolve into the functionality that I really wanted?


You don't?


(I swear. Nobody ever listens to me.)


ANYWAY... My wishes are about to come true! Here is the list of changes:


+ Completely redesigned, completely awesome, modern Android user interface.

+ Tablet support. We’ve targeted Nexus 7 and 10, and it looks great on others too.

+ Cross-device syncing of your subscriptions, playlists and play states on every Android device you own. We love this feature.

+ Remote backup. You can now drop your phone in a toilet and not lose your podcasts. Buying a new phone and setting it up has never been easier.

+ Actual smart dynamic playlists. Want a list of every unplayed, downloaded podcast? Right here. How about a list of video episodes that you haven’t downloaded yet? Easy. Manual playlists are here as well for the super picky among you.

+ A lot more. But we’re not telling the rest until we release it.


Note: Emphasis mine


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Kyle Mallory I do this too. I was testing so many podcatchers at one point that I kind of had to do something like this.


Which actually points out a strength. This method is not app specific.


However... it's a real PITA when your list changes. You have to make sure those changes get back to Google Reader in some way. Not a huge deal, but still some friction.

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Renny Itwaru There will be. From their blog post...


"Version 4 for iOS will be out later this year (Hey! We’re a team of just three people. Give us a break!), and yes you’ll be able to sync between iOS and Android, finally bringing peace to the OS wars!"


Er... maybe I need to learn to read. You said between a Mac/iTunes. I'll say no since I don't think they have any desktop apps.

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I actually dont do the Google Reader thing.  I dont want my podcasts showing up in my Reader feeds and I don't feel like setting up a dummy ID just for that.  So I listen to podcasts through my phone in the car and then sync Beyondpod from the phone to the Nexus 7 once I get to work.Since both devices are set up to automatically download episodes, it works really well for transferring "play states" between devices.


To be fair, Pocketcasts sounds like it would work better, but I am happy with BP.

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George Fromtulsa "I just don't "get" why a podcast app would need to put itself between listeners and feeds."


For syncing play states on different devices you have to have a central server, because the devices cannot communicate directly.


Does anybody know how this syncing will work exactly? Maybe it's just streaming through Shifty Jellys servers, while the servers constantly save your "personal" stream position?

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