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One plus one or the N6

G+_Mike N

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I sold my Oneplus to get the N6. The Oneplus battery life is unmatched and awesome. It's definitely a full day phone. But the Qualcomm quick charge is amazing. So I can plug in my N6 for a few minutes and easily get through the day. I have a quick charge car charger and several quick charge wall chargers.

I like the N6 better than the Oneplus because the screen is awesome and the phone is fast!

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Love my OPO. Charges faster than most phones (maybe not as fast as the N6 but the 2 AMP charger can recharge from 15% to 100% in an hour with the screen off).


But what makes it for me is all the CM tweaks. Power menu tweaks, quick launch tweaks, nav and button bar tweaks, screen-off gesture tweaks, etc. Still way ahead of and way more customisable than stock Lollipop IMO - based on my experience with 5.0 on my N4.


And half the price for twice the storage - no brainer for me.

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Lionel D - I do enjoy a lot of the tweaks.  Menu bar customizations, double-tap-to-wake, not having to hit enter/check-mark after entering PIN ... each one a little thing on it's own, but taken as a whole they really add up.  Oh, and the battery is pretty darned good!


Which pains me to say, because I have been a proponent of GoingAllNexus for quite sometime, and would've gotten a N6 if they had been available before I got a OnePlus One ...

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