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Are there any Verizon phones in the foreseeable future that have cameras that rival the Lumia 920...

G+_Jared Kitch

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I actually have the DNA, and I love it as well.  The camera still doesn't match up to the Lumia 920 though... Especially in low light.  The camera is the ONLY reason my wife wants a new phone (she's been holding on tight to her old non-smart Env2 :P), so I've been watching for a while.  I'm a big android fan, but I have to admit, if the 920 was on Verizon, I would have already gotten it for her.

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Well, the Lumia 928 (Verizon version of the 920) should be out "soon". Otherwise S4 or hopefully the One. They do have the iPhone 5, which has a good camera. In Android land, the S3 is probably the best phone camera on Verizon at this point. After the latest updates, I'm not displeased with the camera on my RAZR MAXX HD. HDR mode does a respectable job, but certainly wouldn't rival the 920's camera by any means.

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