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Anyone having trouble with Hangouts app the last few days?

G+_Wade Shields

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Anyone having trouble with Hangouts app the last few days? It's not updating until I open a specific conversation then it updates and I find I've missed messages. Last night it wouldn't update at all. It's not my connection because it's happening on 3G, 4G & wifi. It's not a settings issue either.

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My Nexus 7 1st gen crashed late last night, around midnight eastern time. It then took around 15 before it would boot. Black screen of death with no activity for the entire time. I tried plugging in to see if the battery icon would pop up showing that its charging but no dice. I actually started to sweat a little. Finally, after walking away for about 15, I tried again and it booted with no issues that I could see. I wonder if this thing is so tightly connected back to Mommy Google that it can't survive without its virtual umbilical cord. I also wonder if that would be the same case for rooted and ROMed Nexi. Were any Nexus phones down ? Am I the only one ? I wasn't using Hangouts, just surfing Flipboard reading some news. Anyway, that's my two cents. Wade, please let us know if it happens again. Thx ?

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