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I 'm wondering if anyone can help me out

G+_Jason Fleisher

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I'm wondering if anyone can help me out. I'm routinely seeing Google Play services using 30 percent of my battery. I also have had a consistent sync error on my main Google account. Unchecking all sync services on that account doesn't get rid of the sync error.


Does any one know of a good way to find out what is causing the sync failure? I'm Pretty sure the battery drain is tied to it but I can't figure it out. I've tried going through the logcat to no avail.


Thanks! ?

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Maybe the sync error has kept you from updating past the location battery drain bug? Check your versions. http://androidandme.com/2014/01/news/update-to-google-play-services-fixes-battery-draining-bug-includes-support-for-turn-based-multiplayer/


As for the sync itself, there are a lot of resources that have various fixes. Here's a start: http://www.androidpit.com/how-to-solve-google-play-store-errors

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