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I have created a public spreadsheet where we can share and document "problem " apps

G+_Rob Locke

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I have created a public spreadsheet where we can share and document "problem" apps. Right now, there are three tabs to the spreadsheet:

Verified - apps that have been shown to exhibit a problem consistently


High memory use - apps that use system RAM all the time. These aren't necessarily "problems" but you need to know because if you install many of them, this can lead to poor performance due to RAM shortage.


Suspected to have problems - apps that appear to cause problems, like keeping the phone awake, force close, etc. These should be confirmed and moved to the Verified list as tests are performed.


Fixed - Entries moved from "verified" tab after the problem has been fixed.


It is important to include your phone type and app version when reporting since problems vary depending on platform and definitely depend on the version of the app.

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