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I hope the TWiT panel will include some conversations about Aaron Swartz 's life and work on Sun...

G+_Mike Tsirigotis

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David Bachowski Wow, Sir, I'm not quite sure where to start in responding to this. However, first let me clearly state from the outset that I completely respect your right to hold your beliefs and that my comments are in no way intended to insult you personally or to diminish the comfort with those beliefs give you. 


Having said that, I find your assertion that medical depression can be "simply" cured through theological study and irrational beliefs profoundly offensive and dangerously negligent to propagate.


Depression is a medical illness, and like any medical illness it needs to be treated by a professional through psychotherapy or a combination of counselling and medication. Like anyone who suffers from an illness, people with depression need the love, support, and understanding of friends and family. 


Personally, I believe that handing someone an archaically written collection of myths, parables, and factually inaccurate history, and telling them that if they pattern there lives on it, they will be magically cured of problems is akin to the worst kinds of charlatanism. However, I freely admit that my own beliefs are colored by my somewhat religion-negative view point and I acknowledge that religion does seem to play a positive role in the lives of some people. 


More on point, I also take issue with your assertion that Aaron Swartz somehow "wrestled" with notions of "right and wrong". This implies that you believe that in some way the works or beliefs of Mr. Swartz were "wrong", that he knew this to be "wrong", and the resulting conflict was the source of his depression. I would ask you sir that if you genuinely feel that some part of the life and work of Mr. Swartz was "wrong", that you kindly outline such. Aaron was a strong part of the movement of people who fight for YOUR digital civil rights. As a strong proponent of this cause I would welcome any opportunity to debate and defend the life and work of people like Aaron Swartz.


I will end however on a conciliatory and unifying note. I agree with you that suicide in never the answer. We all of course have a fundamental right to end our own lives, but that choice is often difficult for those left behind to understand. This is why my thoughts (and yes prayers) go out to the family and loved ones of Aaron. I can understand the pain and confusion they are feeling, the second guessing, and the "could I have done more" anguish. Aaron's mind was both brilliant and troubled. The world and the internet are better places because of his brilliance. But sadly the world and the internet have lost a great champion because of his troubles.

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Who might be the best guests to have on TWiT to discuss Aaron? I wonder if any of these people are available:


Cory Doctorow

Jeff Jarvis

Declan McCullagh

Brewster Khale

Jason Hoyt 

Alexander Howard 

Mathew Ingram 

Dan Gillmor 


A number of the above have appeared on TWiT shows before, and most would have something to say about CES, the CNET/CBS controversy regarding Dish, and other TWiT-typical topics.

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