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What phone sould I get?

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What phone sould I get?


Hey ladies and gent's I need help from this awesome Community. I am stuck on US Cellular. just smashed my screen on my (stock, rooted) Galaxy S3 so now it's time for an upgrade. I want a something as close to nexus as possible. I am willing to go thru and ROM the phone but don't know what ROM is the closest and what phone to get that would support said ROM. I was thinking either Galaxy S5 or Moto X. Thanks in advance.

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I'd say either are a great choice.  The MotoX is cheap inexpensive, runs relatively stock Android, and they have a great track record, thus far, on system updates.


The SGS5 is a great, yet expensive, device.  It runs TouchWiz, but it's already been rooted (and probably ROM'd).


I think you'll be happy with either device, but I would lean towards the MotoX (the active display and touchless controls are awesome).  This coming from a guy who has the Nexus 5, glaringly jealous of some of the features in my wife's MotoX.  ;-)

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