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Thoughts On iOS7 From an Android Fan

G+_Joe Diamond

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Originally shared by Joe Diamond


Thoughts On iOS7 From an Android Fan


Like many other people I was curious to see what Apple would come out with today in terms of updates to their mobile platform. As we all know iOS6 was dated and long overdue for an update. Let's face it, skeuomorphic design went out with the last decade in favor of the more modern, minimalist feel of flat design.


So how did Apple do? They did a great job of implementing a very nice, clean and modern UI. The design features they implemented were largely copied from Android, Windows Phone and WebOS. And what is wrong with that? Absolutely nothing.


Copying UI designs is hardly new a new concept as designs are as much about trends as music and hairstyles. Take an example from the side menu on the Facebook Mobile app. Now I'm not say the Facebook app is a good design, however they did get this one thing right. This small design change has in short time become a standard for native apps and mobile websites everywhere. As a Web developer I am always looking for inspiration from other well known websites.


So Why Then Are Android Fans So Vocal About This Update?


It's very simple really, Apple has made a pretty good living at poking at the things Android and it's OEM's have copied from iOS. There's a big lawsuit that's still fresh in our minds that had something to do with rounded corners, grids of icons, bounce back effects and oh yeah, squares. How can a company that is so against being copied, turn around and copy features made by the company they just sued for copying? God, that was a lot of referencing to copying. Anyway, to answer that question I'll copy a phrase from one of my favorite books.


In The Game of Patents, You Win or You Die


Apple is playing the patent game and let's face it, they're pretty good at it. Like Tywin Lannister in Game of Thrones, like him or hate him, (chances are you hate him) you gotta admit he can play the game.


But that doesn't change the cheated feeling that us Android fanboys feel. I'm reminded of something I learned at a very young age, something my parents taught me. Something learned from society. And that is, if you take something, you give something back in return.


Come on Apple, if you're going to take Android's designs, you should share some of yours back. Design should be shared, fostered and allowed to flourish. Not stifled by ridiculously vague patent laws.

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Thanks Joe Diamond I have been struggling to put this into words all day. I find the new design refreshing though a bit bright for my taste and knowing Apple I am not sure how much you would be able to change the look. My real problem with iOS is that I use a smartphone as a smartphone and I want quick access to my information, I need to often share and retrieve information across apps and Android gives me that, Google now gives me that, widgets gives me that, Siri with Bing does not. 

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