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On Verizon

G+_Brandon Sudat

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On Verizon. I just got the go ahead to purchase the Nexus 6 at full retail and suddenly I'm getting cold feet. I could steal an upgrade and get a Note 4 much cheaper, but I'd more than likely be ROMing it with Cyanogenmod. Also trying to avoid being on contract.


Should I go with the Nexus or with the Note 4?

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If you're just going to root/ROM it anyway, you might as well stick with the Nexus.  There is much better ROM support.  Generally, everything "just works" as it's built from AOSP.  Whereas, anything else has to be hacked or reverse engineered to work which usually results in something not working correctly (calls, MMS, WiFi, etc).  I've been there, and ever since I bought my N5 (on T-Mobile \o/, no more Verizon Wireless), I've been loving it.

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