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Paul Werner I know you want this tablet, it keeps getting better and better

G+_Marlon Thompson

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Yep, and I'm going to get the 32GB one even though I'm on T-Mobile. Free Half Life 2 Episode 1 and (from what I read) it works just fine on T-Mobile's network. Only thing I won't be able to do is Gamestream from my PC because I put together my gaming desktop way before the CPU/Mobo/Video Cards were out that could do this and I don't want to upgrade yet for a feature I won't use a whole lot. The great thing though is the free streaming from GRID until like June or July next year. Best Android tablet by far currently IMO


I am stoked at how well they are improving this tablet and it'll really upgrade me off of my N7 2012. Cyber Monday cannot come soon enough (regardless if it's on sale I'm gonna pick it up though like you already know)

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