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Leo Laporte Paul Thurrott Lisa Kentzell

G+_George Kozi

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Leo Laporte Paul Thurrott Lisa Kentzell 

I've been watching Windows weekly for quite a while. There has been criticism and analysis in copious amounts about the Windows 8 features and shortcomings. But... what was necessary to dispel the myths and lack of information about this product, wasn't done.


Well, how about you dedicate a whole show to a handson, step for step demonstration of Windows 8.1? Not just talk about it, but actually show it on the screen. 

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I think you're absolutely right George Kozi  . I think a hands on look at the new features would be great (as opposed to a how-to use Win 8), and it would also give us a 'base line' for knowledge on Win 8. For example, there have been many times Leo hasn't known how to do something on Win 8, something that has been posted many times on countless blogs. Now that's not his fault, as he obviously hasn't read the blogs I have, so a quick overview of features would be beneficial in that way too. 


Taking it a stage further, as someone who has never used a Mac, I would love to see a hands-on Mavericks, and iOS 7, to see what it can do. The same for Android etc.

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They don't do those kinds of shows. #WindowsWeekly   #MacBreakWeekly   #ThisWeekInGoogle   #AllAboutAndroid  and I doubt #iPadToday  does so either, a detailed breakdown of all the new features of an operating system's version.


They all do general overviews, discussions, and critiques and select highlighted features. But as much as they have a technophilic audience, they don't do a comprehensive review of features. They and most of the audience lack that kind of time and interest.

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Why do you say +Ken Fromchicago that they lack the time and interest. Timewise, I was thinking after the software was out in Beta or out on GA that the show would comprehensively round-up the features with the added TWiT secret-sauce*. This would take little longer than what is currently output - e.g. the show after WWDC was about iOS 7 and Mavericks. Also, we're probably talking about ten topics (ten shows) across the whole TWiT network per year.


As for interest, I'm not sure why you wouldn't want to hear about the features of a new product when it is still new and shiny.


The main problem I have is where do you draw the line, e.g. Paul Thurrott writes a (quite think) book about Windows, and obviously all of this information cannot fit into a reasonable length podcast.


As for, TWiT not broadcasting those kind of shows, I personally am not looking for a new show. As mentioned above, I don't think the hands-on type show is too far from what they do now, just more structured. Also, that's like saying they don't do 'tutorials' so let's not start know-how, or they didn't do gaming shows or photography shows etc. the question is whether the idea is interesting, profitable whether it fits the profile etc.


It won't happen though, but I think with all the new toys, and expertise flying around the Brickhouse they are in a perfect position to do a great job of it.


*for me that is entertaining, knowledgeable, intelligent people freely discussing a topic.

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