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The online Microsoft Store is out of Windows 8 DVD 's

G+_Marc Kline

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The online Microsoft Store is out of Windows 8 DVD's. How bizarre. I was looking to purchase one so I could kick the can down the road a bit while I decide which machine of mine I'd like upgrade for testing purposes later in case we need to support customers using Windows 8.


Does anyone know if it's possible to download Windows 8 without installing it, then decide later which machine I'd like to use it with? I'd really like to get the discount pricing before it goes up. If I can't, who knows if I ever will get it.


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Thank you. I believe that this is true. After I posted this, I found a tutorial walk-through that seemed to indicate that you could purchase a license, then download an .iso for installation at a later point. I still think the lack of availability is a bit bizarre, given that they don't provide an option for a rain check. Seems possible that it could affect their sales.

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