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Does anybody know how or has run OSX software using VM ware on a Windows machine?

G+_Trey Stegall

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Can not say that I have because Apple writes software to work hand in hand with the hardware. UEFI vs BIOS offers advantages of the following:


ability to boot from large disks (over 2 TB) with a GUID Partition Table (GPT)

CPU-independent architecture

CPU-independent drivers

flexible pre-OS environment, including network capability

modular design


Consider this before installing OS X in a virtual environment.

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Dave Trautman Sometimes (as was the case for me back when I did it) the cost of buying a Mac is the most limiting factor in the whole decision. Personally, I was less concerned with chipset support, and crashes, than I was with getting it up and running to test writing software.


Granted, any serious developer would not want an OS that is prone to crashing for their development platform - for me the goal was a proof of concept to even get it working at all.

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