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What the Heck is Happening to Windows? Windows 8 content from Paul Thurrott 's SuperSite for W...

G+_Craig Sotelo

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What's most annoying about Windows 8 and Microsoft is that they seem to have all the pieces yet they can't fit them together - at all. The modern UI is a nice tablet interface (I think so anyway) and the desktop works everywhere else. Why they have so many versions is outrageous. Paul did back having two UIs, even though the general opinion was that Modern UI should be tablet only.


We'll have to see if Microsoft can get their act together, although it is getting more and more difficult. For example, they strongly backed 'flat' design, and WP7 looked fresh and new. No-one cared. However, flat design seemed to be used more, and when iOS7 came out there was a flood of apps redesigned to show this. MS doesn't seem to have that influence anymore.

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