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I am thinking of finally upgrading my 5+ yo iMac

G+_Barry Furnival

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I am thinking of finally upgrading my 5+ yo iMac. I am thinking either MacBook Pro or Air. Most of the time on my PC lately is using Windows in Parallels for development (.NET or using IBM Dev. IDE). Which performs better for running virtual machines? SSD worth the extra $$$ for my case? Most of the time I'll be plugged in so battery life isn't really a factor, but I want the ability to take it with me when I want to.

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It has been my experience that apple products are useful for quite a while. For instance, I still have a Mac G5 tower running as a network back up storage location and server. Apple can be pricey, but honestly, if you buy a comparable product from someone else, the prices are pretty close.

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